Model-based planning of heat supply
Use EQ-City for the transparent preparation of investment decisions of energy supply concepts in quarters and cities. The intelligent use of currently available information and the application of time-resolved heat load profiles provides a reliable and detailed decision-making basis.
The planning of heat supply solutions with EQ-City allows a fast and reliable concept creation for an efficient and environmentally friendly heat supply for urban quarters and small cities, even if only little information is available in the pre-planning phase. With a targeted collection of information, the energy requirements and potentials of the different building types and the combinations of technical systems can be identified quickly.
This enables planners to reliably evaluate, select or exclude possible supply scenarios. Detailed utility value analyses are carried out to evaluate the individual supply variants. Economic, technical, ecological and regulatory criteria are included and extended by factors such as acceptance, user-friendliness, complexity or degree of innovation.
In order to take into account the different interests of the parties involved in the planning, an individual emphasis of these evaluation criteria is possible.
A detailed and clear reporting system enables a solid evaluation of the results and can be used directly as a template for decision-makers.
As a long-standing partner in research for model-based planning and evaluation of heat supply concepts, we provide you with reliable support.
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