Hardware in the loop systems

We are your reliable partner for

  • Control systems in power engineering
  • Simulation and emulation of electrochemical storage system

We support you with

  • Product development and pre-certification
  • Quality assurance and improvement
  • Replacement of costly measurement seriesSimulation und Emulation elektrochemischer Speicher


Products & Services


Batterysimulation and

  • Real-time capable simulation for the
    development, testing and optimization
    of battery systems
  • Simulation and quantification of ageing
    processes (calendrical/cyclic)
  • Simulation of currents, temperatures,
    charging and ageing conditions

Wind Control

  • Real-time capable simulation for the development, testing and optimization of wind turbine controllers
  • Real-time capable virtual wind farms for the testing and optimization of wind farm controllers and operating strategies

Training and Knowledge Transfer

You are looking for current knowledge and know-how from research for practice? We share our knowledge. In practice-oriented events, you and your employees can gain insights into the current state of research and engage directly with our experts. In addition to the existing range of events, we are also happy to offer you demand- and customer-oriented events for your national or international target group.

more Information

Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Press / Media

Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Brosche, M.Sc.

Product manager WIND CONTROL

Fraunhofer IEE
Joseph-Beuys-Straße 8
34117 Kassel, Germany

Phone +49 561 7294-293