/  February 01, 2021  -  January 31, 2024


Next Generation Renewable-Diesel hybrid power plants for the global energy transition in off-grid regions

SMA Solar Technologies, ENERCON, TESVOLT, DUtrain, Biberach University, Reutlingen University


Duration 01.02.2016 - 31.07.2024
Scientists Wolfram Heckmann, Thomas Degner, Diana Strauß-Mincu


In the "PV-Diesel-Global" research project, Fraunhofer IEE is working together with the project partners SMA Solar Technologies, ENERCON, TESVOLT, DUtrain and the universities of Biberach and Reutlingen to develop practical, optimized system solutions for hybrid power plants and large stand-alone grids supplied predominantly from solar and wind energy, which can be flexibly tailored to the respective application and place of use, and to scientifically prove their functionality, reliability and economic efficiency in operation.

The target size of the addressed systems, power plants and island grids is the power range from about 5 to 500 MW. The new solutions are to be applicable worldwide under all relevant climatic conditions, both in the large island grids in the global sun belt and in the windy regions of the north. In addition to the island grids that can be developed in the short term away from the interconnected grid, the later transferability to the interconnected grid should always be kept in mind when developing these specially tailored solutions.

The expected benefits of the project results are, on the one hand, in the area of energy supply in a further cost reduction of power generation from renewable energies and the associated expenses in the energy system and power grid, with simultaneous improvement of reliability, security of supply and sustainability and, on the other hand, in industrial policy in an improvement of the international competitiveness of German industry and the production location Germany, through export solutions suitable for the world market. In the long term, however, the German interconnected grid will also be able to benefit from the new findings and solutions.