The aim of the joint project is to investigate and evaluate the integration and development of PV self-consumption systems in future energy systems in order to identify possible and probable designs for the future framework conditions of PV self-consumption systems, taking into account economic, technical, behavioral-economic and regulatory aspects. In particular, the project provides information on the economically viable potential of PV self-consumption systems.
The work at Fraunhofer IEE aims to evaluate PV self-consumption systems from a microeconomic, technical, and macroeconomic perspective. The IEE also plays a key role in developing policy recommendations from the holistic assessment of self-consumption applications:
- Determination of economically viable potentials for PV self-generated electricity (direct + indirect)
- Development of agent models for regionalization, taking user behaviour into account
- Cost allocation of all regulated electricity cost components; evaluation of the repercussions
- Evaluation of business models in the area of PV, battery storage and flexibility