Contact Press / Media
Dr. Dietrich Schmidt
Fraunhofer IEE
Joseph-Beuys-Straße 8
34117 Kassel, Germany
Phone +49 175 35 65 972
The main task of the forthcoming phase of the energy system transformation is the system integration of renewable energies across the board. Volatile renewable energies have a determining influence on the entire energy system und their further extension requires the practical integration, both in technical and especially economic aspects, into an increasingly flexible operating overall energy system. Flexibility is a key demand both for complementary (residual) power generation through conventional power stations and plants of combined heat and power generation as well as for consumers for consumers in order to adapt loads as flexibly as possible to the current supply. This furthermore involves a cross-sectoral integration, thus flexible use of electric power in other sectors of consumption such as heat supply and mobility. At the same time, energy storages are able to support the system integration by disclosing temporal compensation between supply and utilization.