Research project HyAfrica


The HyAfrica project researches the deposits of natural hydrogen in several African countries in order to provide alternative energy for local areas.

Project partners CONVERGE!, Lda
Partner: University Mohammed Premier, University of Pretoria, Eduardo Mondlane University, University of Lomé, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, University of Limpopo, National Directorate of Geology and Mines
Funding Projektträger Jülich, LEAP-RE, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Project duration 2022 - 2025
Researchers Fraunhofer IEE Dr. Maike-Liselotte Buddensiek, Patrick Selzam, Estefanía Duque Pérez



HyAfrica promotes the use of hydrogen, which occurs naturally in some geological environments in Africa, and its use to generate electricity for the local population. This natural hydrogen (also called white hydrogen) is a primary and clean energy source that is renewable on a human timescale, as it is continuously renewed by geochemical reactions in deep geological formations, without the interruptions and lack of distributability associated with wind or solar sources. It is not to be confused with green hydrogen, which is produced industrially using electricity from renewable sources.

HyAfrica is a necessary first step in understanding the production and utilization possibilities in a number of African countries. The aim is to assess the resources of natural hydrogen in promising regions of Morocco, Mozambique, South Africa, and Togo and to evaluate its socio-economic impact when used for power generation in stand-alone or mini-grid systems. In addition, HyAfrica will enable regional and national authorities in the target countries to increase the share of renewables in the energy mix by developing roadmaps and action plans to pursue strategies to harness these renewables and integrate them into their energy systems.


Promising regions

The project focuses on promising regions where natural hydrogen has already been discovered or where geological conditions are particularly favorable as well as where resource assessment can offer an alternative to renewable energy to a significant number of communities: Jerada and Tendrara provinces (Morocco); Bilene / Macia district (Moçambique); Nkangala district (South Africa); Lacs prefecture (Togo). Natural hydrogen has the potential to increase the reliability of electricity supply in these communities, reduce costs and alleviate energy poverty.


Economic viability analysis

A scenario-based analysis of the economic competitiveness of local hydrogen resources for the development of local communities is one of the significant outcomes that can further drive stakeholder discussions on implementation strategies for utilization. HyAfrica engages stakeholders to identify the regulatory and permitting processes required for the development of hydrogen exploration and utilization.

The project will identify the business models best suited to support the deployment of hydrogen-based energy systems. Clear guidance will be provided to authorities on the financing and regulatory mechanisms that should be put in place to support their implementation. The business models will be compared with other renewable and hydrogen-based solutions (e.g. green hydrogen) in order to identify benefits or complementarities.


Socio-economic impact and business models

The work package WP5 "Socio-economic impact and business models" coordinated by Fraunhofer IEE deals with local energy systems. The objectives of this work package include:

  • Exploring two local energy systems to assess the potential (barriers, opportunities, economics) of natural H2 in standalone and offgrid energy systems using selected business models in remote or small communities
  • Investigating the socio-economic impacts assuming the uptake of H2 in local energy systems, also with regard to the investigated business models.

The agenda includes seven work packages (WPs), with one WP specifically dedicated to capacity development between consortium members and stakeholders in the target regions. The characterization of hydrogen abundance in each region will be carried out semi-autonomously by local teams, but with common methodologies and objectives and after capacity building between the WP leaders and the local teams. The knowledge gained at each site, together with the development of socio-economic and business models, will be used to provide regional and national authorities with strategies to develop this new renewable energy source and assess its importance for the local population.

HyAfrica primarily addresses Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 7 - affordable and clean energy - and 13 - climate action - but will also contribute to SDG 1 - no poverty -, SDG 8 - decent work and economic growth - and SDG 11 - sustainable cities and communities - through the development of local communities.
