Applications and benefits
The message bus architecture of OpSim enables users to emulate communication problems between controllers and the power grid.
The message bus architecture of OpSim enables users to emulate communication problems between controllers and the power grid.
In the EU-project “DREAM”, a heterarchical control strategy for future distribution grids was developed. In this strategy, the grid is subdivided into “cells” and each cell is controlled by a “DSO-agent”. The grid operator’s control room is connected to a “substation DSO-agent”, which in turn is connected to the individual cells.
This multi-layer control strategy could potentially be attacked by hackers. Therefore, the control strategy was tested in OpSim with simulated hacker-attacks. 4 scenarios were simulated:
E. Drayer, J. Hegemann, S. Gehler, M. Braun.
Resilient Distribution Grids - Cyber Threat Scenarios and Test Environment.