/  October 01, 2012  -  March 31, 2016

OFFSHORE~WMEP - First Execution Phase

Funding: BMU
Duration: 1.10.2012 – 31.3.2016
Editers: Berthold Hahn (Project manager), Volker Berkhout, Stefan Faulstich, Sebastian Pfaffel, Khalid Rafik, Johanna Hirsch


The project will generate a common database, which allows statistically reliable predictions concerning the success of operational concepts. Based on this database, topic-specific evaluations for all participants and a general monitoring for political decision-making processes as well as for the public, can be provided. Furthermore, based on anonymous benchmarking and weakness analyses, operators and manufacturers have the opportunity to test and, if necessary, to optimize the performance of their offshore wind farms. Besides offering specific analyses to the participants, the Offshore~WMEP accompanies the offshore wind energy deployment and reflects general insights and developments in terms of a general monitoring to the public.

The main objectives of the First Execution Phase of the Offshore~WMEP are:

  • The implementation and further development of standards and of the existing concepts regarding data acquisition, data transfer and confidentiality;
  • The implementation of standardized data management on the part of wind farm operators;
  • The Establishment of a database for offshore wind energy utilization for providing:
  • A general monitoring;
  • Offshore wind farm operator-specific analyses.